Epic Sugar Station
This highly professional Sugar Station rapidly produces Sugar, which is delivered to the nearest available storage by the included helper bot. This NFT receives no Play to Earn Rewards. 200 Epic Sugar Stations will arrive in the store. After 48 hours, these beauties will be removed until further notice! There will never be any other Sugar Station NFT’s minted of any other rarity, only these 200, VERY limited Edition, Epic Sugar Stations. 🤖 Each Station will craft a sugar every 40s which will be delivered to your storehouse by its own robot unit worker!
*Gems too!
We will have a snapshot at the end of May and Epic Sugar Station holders will get 7500 Gems when the Gem system is ready.
Collection: Items
Chain: Treasure Chest
Price: $750 USD in TOWN
Rarity: Epic
Quantity: 200
Utility: Each Station will craft a sugar every 40s which will be delivered to your storehouse by its own robot unit worker
Points: 0
Outputs: Sugar every 40s
Requirements: none
Affect by: none
Pollution: none
Shade & Wind Block: none
* Denotes unknown point value or unplaceable