Town Star News and Updates to Economy and More
Hello, Town Stars! It’s time for some amazing news on new features that will be included in the game over the next several months. Let’s get started!
TOWN’s GEMS — Bling for Your TOWN
There are several possibilities for how used Town Star Play-to-Earn coins might be spent, and one of them is with the introduction of a new game.
Gems are a brand-new type of in-game currency that you’ll be able to purchase with TOWN soon.
You can currently purchase TOWN with real money on the in-game store, and you’ll be able to spend your Town coins on certain Town Star goods, some of which are exclusively available for TOWN. Additionally, after minting your TOWN rewards on the Ethereum blockchain, you may exchange them for ETH or USDT on several exchanges.
The use of precious Gems will be a game-changer.
We’ve been working hard to develop new features for Town Star Play to Earn in order to make the system more enjoyable and profitable for all Town Stars. Watching players earn from their game assets has been fantastic. We’d want to go even further by providing additional entertaining and flexible methods of playing Town Star.
The entire Gem system will be gradually introduced throughout the next six months or so, but Gems themselves will be available for purchase much sooner. TOWN players only have a limited time to acquire this new in-game Town Star currency. Gems are a type of in-game currency that can only be obtained within the game Town Star. They will eventually provide a number of in-game perks, some of which have never been offered before. Here are some examples of what may become available as Gems improve:
- Special server passes
- In-game product purchases (Gasoline, Oak Wood, etc.)
- New in-game content and items
- New storage buildings
- Removal of negative proximity effects (shade, pollution, etc.)
- Enhanced speed of crops, workers, or production
- Worker prioritization (ability to tell them what to work on first)
At least one hundred unique gems are planned for inclusion in Town Star. The game itself will be available very soon at Town Star. While we cannot guarantee which features will come first, we anticipate many of them to follow after the release of Gems in the next six months.
According to the following procedure, TOWN will be burned once a player purchases Gems: A player would send their TOWN to a designated burn wallet when purchasing Gems.
*All supply and economy details are subject to change
Reward Distribution System for New Rewards
Town Star is a very crucial game and first play-to-earn economy to us. Previously, we’ve spoken about some methods to improve the Town Star economy, and in the interest of long-term viability, we’ve decided how future TOWN rewards will be distributed.
As a result of the transition, all TOWN rewards will be converted to a point-based system, as shown below.
Instead of a fixed TOWN reward value, each owned NFT will have a point value. Each player’s total points will represent a portion of the daily TOWN reward pool.
As the cap for TOWN is approached, the total amount of funds distributed to TOWN decreases over time. As a result, as time goes on, TOWN becomes increasingly rare. For example, if a player achieves 3 points each day, their daily points will be converted to their share of TOWN rewards for the day based on a ratio that will decline over time as TOWN becomes more rare. The following chart illustrates the distribution model over time.
The number of daily active players in the reward pool will have an impact on the total amount of TOWN present in it each day. In essence, when a player has a more significant or rare collection of Town Star NFTs, they’ll have a greater chance of winning rewards. All players will experience reduced TOWN distributions for the same number of points as we move forward in this system.
TOWN-earning NFTs are removed from the Store
All TOWN-earning NFTs will be temporarily removed from the Town Star store as part of this promotion. Players and collectors will still have the option to purchase these items on the open peer-to-peer secondary markets such as OpenSea. This will not have an impact on your ability to utilize NFTs in the game.
The sale of for-sale NFTs will be completed before the end of April, but TOWN earnings will be distributed using the current method until we are ready to transition to a point system distribution model.
Other Things to Expect
System of Market Board Lending
The system announced by T. Elliot Cannon at last December’s -into the galaverse will allow free players to access earned perks while allowing NFT owners to participate passively in these benefits.
The Market Board system, which is still a component of the Town Star plan, has been delayed until a future date to allow for the prioritization of the features previously described.
Finding New Town Stars!
The Town Star team is working diligently to develop new strategies for attracting new gamers to Town Star as well as the Gala Games Ecosystem. With significant growth in the active Town Star community, you should begin to see the benefits of these efforts soon.
MAYhem Maddness!
Some of you remember last year’s historic May Mayhem Town Star tournament, with a combined $1 million in prizes. This time, let’s go for $2 million.🤑
We have quite a bit in store for you this May, not just for Town Star, but also the rest of Gala Games. We’re ecstatic to share more information with you, and you won’t want to miss it.
Town Star AMA
On April 19th at 7:30 a.m. PT, we’ll be hosting a special Town Star AMA in which we’ll answer your queries about the roadmap and discuss all of the anticipation for Town Star in 2022 as we launch into outer space.
That concludes this round of significant Town Star upgrades, and you should have enough to chew on over the weekend. Thank you for being a part of this Ecosystem and for using Gala Games to empower yourself.