Thanksgiving Skin (Rare)
The Rancher thought it would be fun to dress her Chickens up for November, Something about keeping them inline…. This NFT receives no Play to Earn Rewards.
Collection: Items
Chain: Treasure Chest
Price: $10 USD – Purchasable in TOWN or with Credit Card
Rarity: Rare
Purchase Limit: No purchase limit
Quantity: 20,000
Utility: The Thanksgiving Skin when applied, on top of being a beautiful skin, will reduce Chicken Coop craft timers by one second.:hearts: This utility will stack with the Mirandus Skin boost, though it will not stack with other Thanksgiving Skins.
Points: 0
Outputs: none
Requirements: none
Affect by: none
Pollution: none
Shade & Wind Block:none
* Denotes unknown point value or unplaceable