Flourished Heart (Legendary)
This Flourished Heart will remind all your Workers what’s truly important in life. When this NFT is in Town, it reduces the labor cost of all your Workers in Town by 25% (Unstackable with iself). Placing down this NFT grants 20 Town Points.
Collection: Items
Chain: Treasure Chest
Price: $399.99 USD – Purchasable in GALA
Rarity: Legendary
Purchase Limit: 5
Quantity: 100
Utility: 2 farm tractors that work together, boosting your speed and efficiency while charging half the wages.
Points: 20
Outputs: none
Requirements: none
Affect by: none
Pollution: none
Size: 2×2
Shade & Wind Block:2 Tiles
Extra: Stacks with Wage reduction from Galaverse Malta NFT, Ornament NFTs and Stars and Stripe Monument NFT.
* Denotes unknown point value or unplaceable