Fabric Plant (Legendary)
This Legendary Fabric Plant will have 1/2 the wages of a standard in-game Fabric Plant, and the Seamstress will walk twice as fast as a standard in-game seamstress! (It will still cast 2 Shady and 2 Dirty, same as the in-game Fabric Plant. It will also still require a Paved Road to be placed down.) This NFT receives no Play to Earn Rewards.
Collection: Items
Chain: Treasure Chest
Price: $290 USD – Purchasable in TOWN or with Credit Card
Rarity: Legendary
Purchase Limit: 3
Quantity: 270
Utility: 1/2 the wages of a standard in-game Fabric Plant, and the Seamstress will walk twice as fast as a standard in-game seamstress!
Points: 0
Outputs: none
Requirements: Paved Road
Affect by: none
Pollution: 2 Tiles
Shade & Wind Block:2 Tiles
This Legendary Fabric Plant is renowned across Town Star for its high quality fabrics, The Seamstress who runs this fabric operation does it for a much lower wage and moves in a hurry. With this Legendary Fabric Plant in your NFT collection you could be cash-rushing Wool Yarn in no time! Pair it with a Paved Road NFT for quickest results. And you never know when a new craft might be just around the corner that uses Blue Steel as an ingredient.
* Denotes unknown point value or unplaceable