Updated: How to Make Gasoline in Town Star?
Are you just starting out in Town Star, or are you a returning Veteran that’s running out of Gas in Town Star again? Since the Town Star Core Update change are you confused on what it takes to produce Gas and a sustainable economy? You’ve found the right Town Star Guide. Gasoline production in Town Star now is a lot less difficult but requires a handful of different buildings; a Refinery (to refine the raw harvested materials), an oil pump, an energy source (either windmill, power plant, or nuclear plant,) and a water facility or alternatively a water pump. Additionally, you need a warehouse to store your energy, and a worker house (industrial worker) to fetch the oil & energy and deliver it to the warehouse. The crude oil is refined into petroleum and then petroleum is refined into gasoline. The biggest change is the addition of Oak Wood to the Water Facility/Water Pump and the removal of a Paved Road in order to build the Refinery.
In this guide we will teach you how to produce Gasoline so you can sub-stain a growing economy throughout the week as well as throughout the competition.
Before you begin producing Gasoline, you have to have a reliable income. Typically it’s best to plan to begin producing Gas when you hit the 20 Gas marker it is time to build your Gasoline operation. Note: that you will not be able to sustain the cost of wages beyond this point unless you are producing higher tier goods like for example Flour, Sugar, Eggs or Wool.
It is not sustainable to produce Gas to only sell Wood, Wheat, Sugarcane or any of the base goods.
To make Gasoline, you will need the following buildings:
- Refinery + Road – $15,000
- Wind Turbine (to produce energy) – $2,500
- Oil Pump (to produce crude oil) – $2,500
- Water Facility (to produce water drums) – $10,000
- Industrial Worker (to harvest the crude oil and energy) – $2,500
- Fuel Storage (to store the crude oil and gasoline; every Town comes with this base building)
- Warehouse (to store the energy and crude oil) – $10,000
The Town Star Gasoline Production Process
Be very conservative with your Gasoline in the beginning. You will run out much faster than you think. Therefore, it is important to make the most out of every tank of gas – try only to sell higher value items like Flour, Sugar, Salt, Eggs, Wool, Milk, or Lumber.
Start off by building (1) Worker House. Next lay down a Oak Tree Farm and begin harvesting that wood so you can build a Water Facility. Once this building is complete, lay down (1) Wind Turbine followed by (1) Oil Pump. Before these two buildings are complete you need to lay down a Warehouse for your energy to be stored. Next build a road and lay down your Refinery.
Your Industrial Worker will fetch Crude Oil from the Oil Pump, and store it in the Fuel Storage. He will also fetch Energy from the Wind Turbine, and store it in the Warehouse.
The Water Facility fetches Water from Wells to make Water Drums, and stores them in the Warehouse. It’s important to think about the placement of the Water Facility so that he delivers Water Drums fast enough to fulfill the order from the Refinery, but not clog up the Warehouse.
The refinery makes Petroleum (2 Crude Oil, 2 Energy, 1 Water Drum). You then refine it into Gasoline (1 Petroleum, 2 Water Drums, 6 Energy) using the same building. At first you’ll need to toggle between Petroleum and Gasoline in order to keep up with your Trading’s Gas Demand.
The refinery worker will fetch all of these ingredients himself. It’s also important to note that the farther you place the Warehouse from the Refinery, the longer it will take to fetch the necessary ingredients.
Remember that most of these buildings will cause Pollution around them, affecting crops and animal farms severely. Place the buildings somewhere out of the way to avoid this.
See our Guide on: How to Build an Economy in Town Star for Gasoline Production
Upgrading to Passive Gas Production in Town Star
First you need to understand that Passive Gasoline production requires a handful of different buildings; a Power Plant (to create raw energy from crude oil as well as provide passive energy to the Refinery), a Refinery (to refine the raw harvested materials), an oil pump (quite a few here – 10 or so), and two Water Pumps and a Lumber Mill (to build the Power Plant). Additionally, you need a Warehouse to store your energy, and a worker house (industrial worker) to fetch the oil & energy and deliver it to the warehouse. The crude oil is refined into petroleum and then petroleum is refined into gasoline.
To make Passive Gasoline, you will need the following buildings:
- Refinery (and the Road req. to build it) – $15,000 x 2 = $30,000
- Power Plant (to produce passive energy and create energy from crude oil) – $250,000
- Lumber Mill (to create Lumber to build the power plant) – $30,000
- Wind Turbine (to produce energy) – $2,500 x 6 = $12,500
- Oil Pump (to produce crude oil) – $2,500 x 10 = $25,000
- Pond (to place the Water Pump) – $10,000
- Water Pump (to produce passive water) – $30,000 x 2 = $60,000
- Industrial Worker (to harvest the crude oil and energy) – $2,500
- Fuel Storage (to store the crude oil and gasoline; every Town comes with this base building, one additional needed) – $15,000
- Warehouse (to store the energy and crude oil) – $10,000 x 2 = $20,000
- Paved Roads – $30,000 x 1 = $30,000
Total Cost to Produce Passive Gasoline in Town Star: $485,000
After you’ve built up your economy and your crafting Tier 3 items, it’s time to start the passive gasoline production. This is done by building a pond near your refinery, one tile away so you can fit a Water Pump in between. Sometimes I’ll build a pond before the Water Facility that way it provides passive Water Drums while you’re getting up and building.
After you’ve laid down the Water Pump it’s time to build out the Lumber Mill. It’s essential you get this going before hand that way you’re not waiting on construction time for the upcoming Power Plant. Build at this time an additional Fuel Storage to hold all the Crude Oil. Lay down a few more Oil Pumps that way once the Power Plant is built, you can supply it with enough Crude Oil to create Energy from it in the early phases. After you’ve laid down the additional Oil Pumps, it’s time to start saving up for the Power Plant.
The Power Plant is going to require an additional paved road, and it’s going to need to sit next to your Water Pump – hope you planned accordingly, or this may be a costly mistake. You can use our Town Star Visualizer to see how placement should go.
Once you’ve saved up enough money it’s time to lay down the Power Plant. This will allow you to provide passive energy to your Refinery as well as passive water to the Refinery. Although it still won’t be enough yet to provide Passive Gasoline to your town. After you’ve built the first Water Pump it’s time to build the second one on the other side of the pond. This will allow for placement of the 2nd refinery as well as providing passive water again to the first so no additional water drums will need to be supplied to the first refinery.
Build a second Refinery now that will require you’ve built an additional paved road before you do this. Once your second refinery is built toggle the first refinery to just producing Gasoline and the second refinery to just providing Petroleum. Your Power Plant should be providing sufficient energy output to keep up with your Gas Production as well as the additional Oil Pumps you placed down earlier.
If this all sounds like too much – you may want to Unleash The Green Dragon Express – which is a Gas Free Delivery by a certain winged creature, but you’ll need to hold all 10 dragon vouchers to unlock this.
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