Round 3 of Town Star Nodes Coming Soon
This is the advanced notice that the next batch of Town Star Node licenses will be released in approximately two weeks, and or around February 1st* (estimation).
In less than 2 minutes, the second batch of licenses was sold out, so Gala must ensure that everyone wanting to operate a Town Star Node has all of the information they require. While Gala are unable to tell you exactly when the release will happen, they will give you plenty of crucial information.
WEN? What Time Can I Buy?
You will be informed at some point in the next two weeks (via article, Discord notification, and email announcement) of the forthcoming sale. At that time, we will provide you with a precise 2-hour window. The precise time when the licenses will become available will not be revealed until just before release.
This is a new initiative to promote fairness and ensure that as many people as feasible can take part in the extremely limited number of tokens. During that two-hour window, potential buyers should keep an eye on Discord and on the platform, because licenses might be made available at any time.
What’s the Price of the TOWN Nodes?
We’re excited to announce that TOWN purchases of Town Star Node licenses will be offered at a reduced price. GALA-purchased licenses will be discounted somewhat, and other currencies will be accepted for the full retail price of the license.
The current number of Town Star Nodes is determined by the number of people playing in Town Star Play-to-Earn. Each time a new batch of licenses is issued, the price will either rise or stay the same. The following are the prices for the initial batch of permits that will be offered in the next release, but it’s possible there will be a few of them available at a lower price.
TOWN Starting Price — $14,000
GALA Starting Price — $15,000
Other Currencies Starting Price — $17,500*
*USD prices are approximate and may vary slightly depending on fluctuating market value of TOWN, GALA and ETH.
What’s the Purchase Limit of Town Nodes?
Only two Town Star Node licenses may be purchased in a single transaction. This will enable more players to participate in the Game Specific Node Ecosystem, allowing them to contribute even more to the network’s decentralization.
Should I spend all my saved GALA or TOWN on a Town Star Node license?
We can make no recommendations and offer no advice on how to spend your saved GALA or TOWN or any other assets. If you are considering purchasing a Town Star Node license, we’d like to encourage you to do as much research as you can and ask any questions you may have before doing so.
Are Town Star Nodes an investment?
Do Town Star Nodes offer a guaranteed return (ROI) or give you any ownership of Gala Games or Town Star?
Absolutely not. Town Star Nodes are not investments, nor do they give you ownership or voting rights in Gala Games or Town Star. They are another way of supporting the ecosystem and purchasing a product that interacts with Town Star.
Founder’s Node Drops
5% of the overall quantity of Town Star Node licenses will be given to Founder’s Node operators who have established Nodes that fulfill the required standards for the day, as previously stated. On the day before distribution, the Founder’s Node portion will be determined randomly using the usual approach.
At the same time, licenses for the Founder’s Node operators will be distributed to account for those sold in November that exceeded the anticipated number. 5% of the overall quantity of Town Star Nodes will have been given out after this round of drops.