Huge Growing Pains but Good News! Check out the charts below!! – The platform developers have been working hard and fixes are incoming!
We’ve heard that pricing discrepancies in the store are fixed! We’ve also heard that many items awaiting fulfillment should be on the way!
Cancelled orders that had payment taken should be coming as well! (Note from GALA: if there are NO items left in stock then you will be refunded the order + gas that was paid)
Failed payments awaiting fulfillment should begin to show up now too!
Things stuck in pending for more than 24 hours will be released and you can try again we’ve been told!
Most TOWN/GALA conversions should go through by tomorrow morning (PST)!
Most of these things should come through by tomorrow morning (PST) we’ve been told.
Check your Notifications for updates!
Reminder: If your order appears to be stuck please wait at least 24 hours before putting in a ticket with support OR before trying to send another order of the same kind GALA has shared.