More Rewards, More Opportunities for Town Star Players in June
The May Mayhem has subsided, but there’s plenty of action in store for the Web3 game of town and city builders throughout June! We have 3 new, BIG events and a special reward for those who play 10 days in June!
Compete for NFT Prizes?!
With three big events and a **SPECIAL REWARD** for anyone who plays at least 10 different days, June will be another month to remember. This Special Reward will also be a June NFT for anyone who plays TownStar on 10 different days throughout the month, both new accounts and returning town builders qualify!!
June 7th 5-day Stress Test
This debugging event will run in a special Town Star Development Server (which will be down until the event begins). The top 2000 ranked places will receive a participation reward of $10 in GALA. This 5-day stress test, debugging rollbacks event will run in the Development Server.The Ledger of Truth is an essential part of the future of Town Star.
– Faster payments
– More fun and complex events
June 14th – NFT Reward Competition
The rewards for this competition will be a brand new tiered NFT, distributed based on final player ranks (More info coming soon).
Late June – Meta Competition
We’re giving YOU the power to decide on upcoming Town Star meta changes, so keep an eye out for announcements and polls!