Rare Water Pump
Each Water Pump (Rare) when attached to a water source (Pond, River, Ocean) will provide 3 Water Drums to all of the tiles adjacent to it. This NFT receives no Play to Earn Rewards. If you’ve ever thought, man I wish I didn’t need SO MANY Water Pumps for these Steel Mills, Mines, Refineries, etc. or, if you hate waiting on Oak Wood to build your standard in-game Water Pumps, then this NFT is for you!
No more having to build Water Facilities or Water Pumps to get those Water Drums to your Gasoline set up, save space with 3x Water Drums to Mines and Steel Mills!
Collection: Items
Chain: Treasure Chest
Price: $70 USD in TOWN
Rarity: Rare
Quantity: 2,000
Utility: Each Water Pump (Rare) when attached to a water source (Pond, River, Ocean) will provide 3 Water Drums to all of the tiles adjacent to it.
Points: 0
Outputs: none
Requirements: none
Affect by: none
Pollution: none
Shade & Wind Block: none
* Denotes unknown point value or unplaceable