Upgrade to Gala Gold Membership For Added Bonus Benefits!
We’re concerned for your own safety if you haven’t heard about Gala Gold’s unique membership club, which goes by the name of Gala Gold. What else might you have missed? Was the iron left on? Is it possible that friends and family are trying to contact you? It’s currently just $50 for a lifetime membership, but hurry because that price is not set in stone. Today, let’s take a look at what happens when you upgrade to Gold. Before the year is out, upgrade to Gala Gold to receive an exclusive Echoes of Empire Profile Character Avatar… among other perks.
–A lifetime membership
–Echoes of Empire Profile Character Avatar
–Exclusive Gala Games Membership Club
-Discounts on games and merchandise from various business partners! You can’t beat this deal! This offer will only last so long, so don’t miss out! Hurry while supplies last.
However, if you’re a genuine fan of Gala Games and an active member of the community, I think it’s only fair that you upgrade to Gold, I know I did way back in the day, but you should too if you’ve considered crypto gaming.
Let’s take a quick look at what you get when you join the Gala Games Ecosystem’s Gold club membership to see how spectacularly value-packed it is.
Upgrade your existing Gala Games account here
(Not a member? Sign up and get exclusive perks – already a member? you must be signed in)
Free NFTs
Every individual who joins Gala Gold receives a free NFT with functional in-game value at the moment. How long this will last? No one really knows yet.
Express Depot
Everyone who purchases a Gala Gold membership is entitled to use the Town Star Express Depot. This faster-than-normal Trade Depot allows you to make deliveries to cities in a more timely manner (and with greater flair). The Trade Depot is also eligible for daily TOWN rewards in TSP2E, making it the most cost-effective way to obtain NFTs to play-to-earn in Town Star.
Echoes of Empire Gold Profile Avatar
Ok, so the big news! EOE avatar character image for Gala Gold members only, and it will be available to everyone with a new account soon.
At 11:59 p.m. PST on December 31st, a snapshot will determine which accounts will receive this one-of-a-kind profile avatar, which will be available in the Echoes of Empire game at final launch. In a nutshell, all Gala Gold- upgraded accounts before 2022 will get one.
Other Cool NFTs
You have no way of knowing when one of our titles, or partner developers, will be inspired by a sudden Golden burst of generosity.In the past, the GAMEDIA crew has given away Sentinel Skin to all Gold members, as well as some unique early playtesting action. Many of these unexpected presents aren’t announced in advance, but the longer you play Gold, the better your chances of finding some fantastic loot!
Gala Gold Leaks
We almost always provide sneak peeks and leaks to Gala Gold members in the unique Gala Gold Discord channels. Some things in the game are shared with Gala Gold, but they are never seen by the rest of the player base! Gala Gold is the place for gamers of all stripes. Whether you’re a content creator, a beta test participant, or simply a curious gaming enthusiast, Gala Gold is the spot to go.

Greater Community Access
Many of our staff enjoy hanging out on their own time in the Gala Gold Discord channels, where they meet new people and get a chance to rub virtual elbows with their greatest supporters and fans.It’s frequently simpler for you to get your inquiries answered and curiosities satisfied in a tiny, specialized neighborhood like Gold. We’ve even hosted a team meme party on the Gala Gold Discord rooms once or twice.
Early Alpha & Beta Playtest Opportunities
As more Gala Games Ecosystem games join the network and the community expands, our developers will always need a location to recruit trustworthy beta testers. As the largest free-to-play gaming network, we’re changing things up with a new service called Gold. It’s sort of like a private beta, where you can get ahead of the curve and play games before they’re released to the public. We’ve worked hard to build an ecosystem that allows us to deliver on this promise while maintaining our New EOE Game Launcher.
Our partners receive a new launcher that contains all of their games and benefits from the Gala portfolio. Plus, it’s even cleaner and easier to use than other app launchers we’ve tried in the past! It’s such a joy, we get really excited to share it with you!
Gala Gold members have exclusive access to these NFTs. They are made by our partners, but they are only available to players who upgrade to Gold! Players can still purchase them with Gala / Town Coin, but their appearance in the store is limited to once per month. Some of them appear for longer periods at a time.
Shiny, Sparkly Golden Value
Finally, we make every effort to ensure that Gala Gold is a private club where you may feel right at home. We can’t go over all of the extras available to Gold members in detail, but… You’ll be glad you joined up.
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