How to Get In-Game Boosts for Mirandus Town Star Skins
The Town Star Development and Design team has been busy working on amazing changes and additions to the original Gala Game of village and city builders. We are just as enthusiastic about this newest information as you are. In fact, they were compelled to create a video to commemorate the moment!
The Skins of Mirandus in Town Star
The most avid collectors and fans have been ecstatic over these Mirandus-Themed Town Star Skins, with 8/10 having already been offered in the Gala Games shop.
Details of the Bonus
Deploying Mirandus-Themed Town Star Skins will boost all crafting and movement speed throughout your entire town.
The developers have been working hard to bring you an Entirely New Unique Theme for your Mirandus-Themed Skin Pack 10. The following are some of the features that are included in this exciting Town Star boost:
The bonus is simple to understand and has a twofold impact on everyone and everything in your Town Star town: it increases both the speed and production times.
Mirandus has released 10 unique Mirandus-Themed Skin Pack. The more of these packs that are represented in your town, the greater your movement and production bonuses will be.
Each skin assigned to your workers and production structures will give them a 2.5% speed boost. There is a limit of 1 bonus per Skin Pack, which means you’ll only receive the 2.5 percent boost if you apply 5 skins from the same pack.
That’s where things start to get interesting. You’ll receive the maximum possible bonus of +25% speed to all workers’ movement and production in your town if you use at least 1 skin from each pack (1–10).
All it takes to get your benefit is to have the skin applied to your Town Star game. It doesn’t even need to be in your town for the skinned structure to qualify for the bonus. The bonus is yours as long as the skin is turned on.
The First Speed Boosting Item in Town Star
There were bots that travelled faster than workers and NFT items that increased storage or passive resource production in the past, but Town Star has never seen an NFT item improve the game’s overall speed.
To be 25% more productive, and therefore make 25% more money, is to move 25% faster. Most importantly, you’ll have a clear competitive advantage over every player who didn’t get their hands on the skins because of this bonus.
These skins have made a significant improvement in terms of Town Star gameplay. We can provide a unique incentive to using Mirandus-Themed skins on your game thanks to the power of blockchain-backed skin ownership. You may give you and your town an enormous boost week after week in the Town Star challenge just by deploying these skins.
The Limited Supply of Mirandus Based Skins
The surprise debut is expected to spike interest in the Mirandus-Themed Town Star Skins. The idea that skins have no in-game value is no longer a deterrent.
Each Skin Pack has a maximum allotment of 10,000 units, but only 2000 of each are available at the current rate. Future sales (and future prices) have not been determined, but you may be confident that the price will rise on the rest of the stock in future sells.
Don’t forget that with each Skin Pack, you’ll receive a Dragon Voucher. Collecting all 10 of these Vouchers will earn you the greatest bonus of them all: Mirandus’ Dragon Familiar. This dragon will travel with your avatar on its adventures, making your friends envious and foes afraid.
Get your Mirandus-Themed Town Star Skin Packs from the Gala Games store right now, but only while supplies last. Pack 1 through 8 are presently accessible (until they aren’t), and Pack 9 will be available in the near future!
The in-game advantages described above will be available soon after the last Skin Pack is released! For more information, stay tuned for updates.