In-Depth Town Star Starter Guide for Economy Growth
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So you’ve played a little but but now are wondering how you get more Gas? First, you need to be able to sustain the minutely rate of the workers and have enough supply to be able to start refining gas. What you want to know now is how to get going and not run out of money!
Town Star Starter Items (All Terrains)
- Cash: $25,000
- Lumber: 1
- Wood: 10
- Gas: 40
- Wheat: 10
When we first start, everyone has the same Town with a Farm House and Farmer who wanders around collecting wheat and using the Well to water the wheat, if required. Depending upon the Terrain you start out at, you may also get a few ponds or lakes dotted around. These Ponds can be useful for growing crops because anything planted next to or near by can automatically get passive water from them. You will notice the grass is greener around ponds and marsh land. The greener the land the more chance of crops getting some water automatically or better known as passive watering. This can save farmers time and less Wells are required. Wells are also best placed on greener land, because they fill faster.
Pro Tip: You will need to keep an eye on your wage bill and how much money you have left. if you can’t afford to pay your workers, they will go on strike! That means game over unless you can generate funds by destroying ponds, oil wells, or buildings!
You will see that you start with (40) Gasoline stored in the Fuel Storage and next to this is your Trade Depot. If you click the Trade Depot, you will be able to sell things. Right away you can sell Wheat (in stacks of 10) for $3000. This is not a bad start but you’ll need more income than just Wheat Stacks in order to begin Gasoline Production and a sustainable economy.
You’ll want to begin your first step by building a Lumberjack House and a Wood Shed. These need to be placed next to a road. This will cost you $7,500 in cash and no materials.
Currently, One of the best strategies to get a decent amount of money is to get Windmills. Before we begin building our Windmill, it’s wise to have a place to put our crafted goods so they don’t go to waste. Begin by building a Storehouse for $10,000. You can sell a few wheat stacks of (10) using your Trade Depot to bring in a few extra cash, but don’t go crazy, you’ll need this Gas later to make it to the halfway point. In order to get a Windmill, you’ll need $15,000 and (3) Wood. Be sure to place your Windmill away from other buildings to maximize your craft time. It’s recommended to start crafting Flour immediately once you place down your Windmill. It will take (5) Wheat and (3) Wood to make each batch of Flour.
Pro Tip: Building your Silo (for wheat storage) and Wood Shed near to the windmill can save some time. Also note your Windmill needs a few tiles of nothing around it to perform best. If you build close to a Windmill it will slow the production time down. Time is money in this game!
Remember that Windmills are affected by buildings that are nearby, which is an important part of the game called “Wind Block“. Read through the article, it is crucial information for the placement and planning of the buildings in your town. So place your Windmill with that in mind.
With Windmills requiring a lot of wheat it might be beneficial to have the wheat growing in your greenest plots. This is beneficial because of the passive watering and saving farmers time. Now wait until you’ve accumulated 10 flour, and sell it. You’ll bring in $22,500 which is a nice start to getting a good sustainable economy going. Build another wind mill. Repeat until you have 3 wind mills.
Depending on what kind of map tile you are on (Forest, Desert, Plains), you will need a “Crop Operation” after the third wind mill. You will be fine for a while longer in a forest, since it has a lot of ponds/marshlands and natural trees that can sustain you.