Chocolate Shop
The Chocolate Shop is a place where delicious decedent chocolate treats are made. Gunnar Paulsen is a world renowned confectioner who makes cake and chocolate magic in this charming shop.
Build Cost: $300,000
Build Materials: (20) Wood
Destroy Cost: $75,000
Labor Cost: $100
Class: Farm
Crafts: Chocolate Bars (90/180/360/720 seconds), Fancy Cake (30/60/120/240 seconds), Decorative Cake (60/120/240/480 seconds)
Edge Class: Building
Edge Requirements: Road
Input Pickup: Storehouse, Warehouse, Lumber Yard
Output Delivery: Storehouse
Proximity Distance: 2 tiles
Proximity Emit: Shady
Proximity Immune: False
Unit Type: Chocolatier
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