The Winery is used to take harvested goods and craft them into new items. The Winery, takes raw materials and turns them into, you guessed it, wine! You need a Pinot Noir Grapes, Cabernet Sauvignon Grapes, Chardonnay Grapes to turn them into Pinot Noir Wine, Cabernet Sauvignon Wine, and Chardonnay Wine.
Cost: $1,000,000
Building Materials: 5 Wood, 5 Lumber, 5 Energy
Labor: $300/minute
Points: 100
Stores: none
Capacity: none
Produces: Pinot Noir Wine, Cabernet Sauvignon Wine, and Chardonnay Wine
Pinot Noir Wine: 300-2400 seconds
Cabernet Sauvignon Wine: 270-2160 seconds
Chardonnay Wine: 240-1920 seconds
Requirements: Dirt Road
Affect by: none
Pollution: none
Shade & Wind Block: 2 tiles