town star winery



The Winery is used to take harvested goods and craft them into new items. The Winery, takes raw materials and turns them into, you guessed it, wine! You need a Pinot Noir Grapes, Cabernet Sauvignon Grapes, Chardonnay Grapes to turn them into Pinot Noir Wine, Cabernet Sauvignon Wine, and Chardonnay Wine.

Cost: $1,000,000
Building Materials: 5 Wood, 5 Lumber, 5 Energy
Labor: $300/minute
Points: 100
Stores: none
Capacity: none
Produces: Pinot Noir Wine, Cabernet Sauvignon Wine, and Chardonnay Wine
Pinot Noir Wine: 300-2400 seconds
Cabernet Sauvignon Wine: 270-2160 seconds
Chardonnay Wine: 240-1920 seconds
Requirements: Dirt Road
Affect by: none
Pollution: none
Shade & Wind Block: 2 tiles

winery town star