fungi feast - common ground world

Mushroom Mania: Compete, Craft, and Conquer in the “Fungi Feast” Challenge!


Exciting news, Town Star enthusiasts! The “Fungi Feast” competition is set to launch, offering players a fresh challenge and the chance to win $GALA. This event runs from Tuesday, September 10th at 10am PT through Friday, September 13th. Your mission: cultivate mushrooms and craft delectable Mushroom Pizzas to climb the leaderboard and secure your rewards.

Event Details:

  • Objective: Sell Mushroom Pizzas
  • Trade Time: 20 seconds per sale, consuming 1 unit of Gasoline
  • Biome: Plains (South)
  • Map Edges: Ocean (North), River (East), Plains (South and West)

New In-Game Features:

  • Mushroom Farm: A specialized facility for growing mushrooms that thrive in shaded areas.
    • Build Cost: $1,000
    • Construction Time: 15 seconds
    • Optimal Conditions: Grows faster in shaded environments
  • Mushroom Pizza Recipe:
    • Ingredients: 1 Pizza Base, 7 Mushrooms, 2 Tomatoes
    • Crafting Facility: Italian Restaurant
    • Crafting Time: 60 seconds
    • Sale Value: $97,890
    • Stars: 1,984 stars per pizza


  • Cash Boosts:
    • Flour: $2,000 to $5,500
    • Dough: $34,250 to $50,000
  • Star Boost:
    • Mushroom Pizza: Additional 30,000 stars

Exclusive NFT Opportunity:

Introducing the Mushroom Stand (Rare) NFT, which provides 1 passive Mushroom to adjacent tiles, enhancing your Mushroom Pizza production. Priced at $149.99 with a limited supply of 300 units, it’s a valuable asset for dedicated players.